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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by billy 19.03.08 9:02

NA ŠRI LANKI je u 90. godini života zbog problema s dišnim putevima preminuo znameniti književnik i publicist Arthur C. Clarke.

Clarke će prije svega ostati zapamćen kao autor nezaboravne "2001: Odiseje u svemiru" prema kojoj je Stanley Kubrick snimio istoimeni kultni film. Clarke je bio i posljednji preživjeli od "velike trojke" SF pisaca; osim njega najvećim se velikanima znanstvene fantastike smatraju Robert A. Heinlen i Isaac Asimov.

Clarke, za kojeg su jednom ustvrdili da je "prvi stanovnik elektronske kolibe", je rođen u Mineheadu u Velikoj Britaniji. U Drugom svjetskom ratu bio je član kraljevskog zrakoplovstva, a početkom 40-ih godina počeo se baviti pisanjem.

Pored doprinosa SF-književnosti, Clarke je slavu stekao i svojim člankom kojim je 1945. godine predložio lansiranje telekomunikacijskih satelita u Zemljinu orbitu - u to doba prilično smjeli koncept koji je pak za manje od dva desetljeća postao stvarnost. Clarke je osim SF-a pisao i knjige iz oblasti popularne znanosti, a bio je i voditelj popularne TV-serije "Misteriji svijeta".

Nakon propalog braka sa svojom prvom ženom 1956. preselio se na Šri Lanku, tadašnji Cejlon, gdje je proveo većinu svog života. Godine 2000. je od strane britanske krune dobio počasnu plemićku titulu.

"Mislim da je bio tako popularan zbog svog entuzijazma. Uvijek je razmišljao o stvarima koje bi mogle doći u budućnosti, kako bi se život mogao poboljšati. Takva vrsta vizije nam je i danas potrebna", kazao je za BBC George Whitesides, izvršni direktor Nacionalnog svemirskog društva, kojeg je Clarke bio član
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Broj postova : 2522
Age : 52
Location : Svicarska
Registration date : 09.03.2008


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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by dreamer 19.03.08 9:09

Bio je stvarno plodonosan vizionar i pisac,laka mu zemlja,u mnogim njegovim radovima iz područja sf-a uživao sam ...
Ambiciozni član
Ambiciozni član

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Registration date : 02.01.2008

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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by Admin 19.03.08 10:44


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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by billy 19.03.08 19:38

ok, onaj prvi post je bio sa indexa posto sam bio na poslu i nisam imao vremena.
Moram priznati da mi je Clarc jedan od omiljenih pisaca i da sam citao (mislim) sve njegove knjige.
Naravno pocelo je u osnovnoj skoli sa Misterije Svijeta koje su me toliko fascinirale da me ta tematika prati do dana danasnjeg i jos nije izgubila na sarmu i zanimljivosti.
Svi njegovi sf romani su posebni i na svoj nacin remek djela tako da je tesko izdvojiti jedan koji odskace, znam za mnoge je to 2001: A Space Odyssey ali za mene osobno je to Childhood's End .

Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke N301

Hvala za sve Arthur C. Clarke

Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Bild:Arthur_C._Clarke_2005-09-09


* Prelude to Space (1951)
* The Sands of Mars (1951)
* Islands in the Sky (1952)
* Against the Fall of Night (1953)
* Childhood's End (1953)
* Earthlight (1955)
* The City and the Stars (1956)
* The Deep Range (1957)
* A Fall of Moondust (1961)
* Dolphin Island (1963)
* Glide Path (1963)
* 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
* Rendezvous with Rama (1972)
* Imperial Earth (1975)
* The Fountains of Paradise (1979)
* 2010: Odyssey Two (1982)
* The Songs of Distant Earth (1986)
* 2061: Odyssey Three (1988)
* A Meeting with Medusa (1988)
* Cradle (1988) (with Gentry Lee)
* Rama II (1989) (with Gentry Lee)
* Beyond the Fall of Night (1990) (with Gregory Benford)
* The Ghost from the Grand Banks (1990)
* The Garden of Rama (1991) (with Gentry Lee)
* Rama Revealed (1993) (with Gentry Lee)
* The Hammer of God (1993)
* Richter 10 (1996) (with Mike McQuay)
* 3001: The Final Odyssey (1997)
* The Trigger (1999) (with Michael P. Kube-McDowell)
* The Light of Other Days (2000) (with Stephen Baxter)
* Time's Eye (2003) (with Stephen Baxter)
* Sunstorm (2005) (with Stephen Baxter)
* Firstborn (2007) (with Stephen Baxter)
* The Last Theorem (to be published in 2008) (with Frederik Pohl)

[edit] Omnibus editions

* Across the Sea of Stars (1959) (including Childhood's End, Earthlight and 18 short stories)
* From the Ocean, From the Stars (1962) (including The City and the Stars, The Deep Range and The Other Side of the Sky)
* An Arthur C. Clarke Omnibus (1965) (including Childhood's End, Prelude to Space and Expedition to Earth)
* Prelude to Mars (1965) (including Prelude to Space and The Sands of Mars)
* The Lion of Comarre & Against the Fall of Night (1968)
* An Arthur C. Clarke Second Omnibus (1968) (including A Fall of Moondust, Earthlight and The Sands of Mars)
* Four Great SF Novels (1978) (including The City and the Stars, The Deep Range, A Fall of Moondust, Rendezvous with Rama)
* The Space Trilogy (2001) (including Islands in the Sky, Earthlight and The Sands of Mars)

[edit] Short story collections

* Expedition to Earth (1953)
* Reach for Tomorrow (1956)
* Tales from the White Hart (1957)
* The Other Side of the Sky (1958)
* Tales of Ten Worlds (1962)
* The Nine Billion Names of God (1967)
* Of Time and Stars (1972)
* The Wind from the Sun (1972)
* The Best of Arthur C. Clarke (1973)
* The Sentinel (1983)
* Tales From Planet Earth (1990)
* More Than One Universe (1991)
* The Collected Stories of Arthur C. Clarke (2000)

[edit] Non-fiction

* Interplanetary Flight: an introduction to astronautics. London: Temple Press, 1950
* The Exploration of Space. New York: Harper, 1951
* The Coast of Coral. New York: Harper, 1957 — Volume 1 of the Blue planet trilogy
* The Reefs of Taprobane; Underwater Adventures around Ceylon. New York: Harper, 1957 — Volume 2 of the Blue planet trilogy
* The Making of a Moon: the Story of the Earth Satellite Program. New York: Harper, 1957
* Boy beneath the sea, Photos by Mike Wilson. Text by Arthur C. Clarke. New York: Harper, 1958
* The Challenge of the Space Ship: Previews of Tomorrow’s World. New York: Harper, 1959
* The Challenge of the Sea. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1960
* Profiles of the Future; an Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible. New York: Harper & Row, 1962
* The Treasure of the Great Reef. New York: Harper & Row, 1964 — Volume 3 of the Blue planet trilogy
* Voices from the Sky: Previews of the Coming Space Age. New York: Harper & Row, 1965
* The Promise of Space. New York: Harper, 1968
* Into Space: a Young Person’s Guide to Space, by Arthur C. Clarke and Robert Silverberg. New York: Harper & Row, 1971
* Report on Planet Three and Other Speculations. New York: Harper & Row, 1972
* The Lost Worlds of 2001. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1972
* Voice Across the Sea. HarperCollins, 1975
* The View from Serendip. Random House, 1977
* The Odyssey File. Email correspondence with Peter Hyams. London: Panther Books, 1984
* 1984, Spring: a Choice of Futures. New York: Ballantine Books, 1984
* Ascent to Orbit, a Scientific Autobiography: The Technical Writings of Arthur C. Clarke. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1984
* Astounding Days: A Science Fictional Autobiography. London: Gollancz, 1989
* How the World Was One: Beyond the Global Village. New York : Bantam Books, 1992 — A history and survey of the communications revolution
* By Space Possessed. London: Gollancz, 1993
* The Snows of Olympus - A Garden on Mars (1994, picture album with comments)
* An Encyclopedia of Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of the Occult and Supernatural, 1995, St. Martin's Press ISBN 0-312-15119-5 (Online Version)
* Fractals: The Colors of Infinity (1997, narrator)
* Arthur C. Clarke & Lord Dunsany: A Correspondence 1945-1956. ed. Keith Allen Daniels. Palo Alto, CA, USA: Anamnesis Press, 1998.
* Greetings, Carbon-Based Bipeds! : Collected Works 1934-1988. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999
* Profiles of the Future; an Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible (updated edition). New York: Harper & Row, 1999, ISBN 057506790X, ISBN 9780575067905
* From Narnia to a Space Odyssey: The War of Letters Between Arthur C. Clarke and C. S. Lewis (2003) with C. S. Lewis
* The Coming of the Space Age; famous accounts of man's probing of the universe, selected and edited by Arthur C. Clarke.
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Broj postova : 2522
Age : 52
Location : Svicarska
Registration date : 09.03.2008


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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by gorana 19.03.08 19:55

Misterije svijeta sam čitala u osnovnoj školi, i isto se navukla na tu tematiku farao , ali nisam sve pročitala Embarassed (gore nabrojano)
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Broj postova : 1393
Age : 47
Location : tu blizu
Registration date : 14.02.2008

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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by billy 19.03.08 20:04

gorana je napisao/la:Misterije svijeta sam čitala u osnovnoj školi, i isto se navukla na tu tematiku farao , ali nisam sve pročitala Embarassed (gore nabrojano)
procitaj knjigu koja je kod nas izasla pod imenom Kraj Djetinjstva
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Broj postova : 2522
Age : 52
Location : Svicarska
Registration date : 09.03.2008


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Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke Empty Re: Preminuo SF književnik Arthur C. Clarke

Postaj by gorana 19.03.08 20:06

Hoću, hvala.
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Broj postova : 1393
Age : 47
Location : tu blizu
Registration date : 14.02.2008

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