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popušili ili ??????

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popušili ili ?????? Empty popušili ili ??????

Postaj by faca 14.07.08 13:12

Smoking can help boost memory and concentration, say scientists. The
discovery offers hope of a nicotine pill that mimics these effects to
treat Alzheimer's disease.Experts are developing drugs that copy
the active ingredients in tobacco that stimulate the brain without
causing heart disease, cancer, stroke or addiction.The move follows the discovery that nicotine can boost the intelligence and recall ability of animals in laboratory experiments.

Izgleda da se su svijetu smanjila potrošnja cigareta, ode lova u propast, pa treba malo pripomoć. Pušte ljudi, bit ćete pametniji!!!!!!

Ambiciozni član
Ambiciozni član

Broj postova : 416
Location : preselio na Mars
Registration date : 30.12.2007

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popušili ili ?????? Empty Re: popušili ili ??????

Postaj by Gost 14.07.08 19:32

pa sta mislis zasto sam ja ovako pametna - zato sto pusim kutiju do kutiju i po dnevno.. znas kojom se brzinom razvija mozak.. hebote nekad ga moram nazad kroz usi gurati da mi ne iscuri smijeh


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